The Prodigy
Invaders must die

This ‘Invaders must die’ music album stands out really well because of the colour scheme used. The colour scheme which is used consists of a dirty white, black, grey and a bright orange which is bright when it is used for the title of the advert but is a bit fader when the colour is used at the bottom of the advert. The advert also has the HMV logo at the bottom of the page which adds that extra detail to the advert and makes it stand out really well; this is because the HMV is a bright pink colour which stands out really well above the dull and orange colours used on the advert. As the advert consists of a dirty white, black, grey, a bright orange colour and a bright pink HMV logo; the bright orange and the bight pink HMV logo work really well above the dull colours which is why the advert instantly attracts the eye.
The title of the band; The Prodigy, is located at the top of the advert which instantly attracts the eye. This is because the title of the band is a big font which uses all of the width and space at the top of the advert which grabs the attention straight away. The font used to create ‘The Prodigy’ logo is a very stylish but mean font and it is the bands trademark style. This is used so that people instantly know which band it is when they see the tile and the font used; the font is a house style of ‘The Prodigy’ because it is there standard font and logo. The title of the album ‘Invaders must die’, is located in the middle of the advert which is the standard location for a title to be placed. This location of the title works really well as the eye is drawn to the band name at the top of the advert, then to the bright colours and the album title in the middle of the page. The text for when the album is released is placed near the bottom of the page which is also the standard location for the release date on an advert. The text used to write the release date is a very stylish and unusual font which attracts attention on its own without needing the bright colours and the band name higher up on the advert. The bight pink HMV logo is placed discreetly in the bottom left hand side of the advert but stands out really well as the pink colour works really well above the dull colours used. This extra detail isn’t a lot but makes the advert stand out so much more and makes the advert look really effective.
The image used for the album advert for ‘The Prodigy’ is a massive ball with spikes coming out of it. This peculiar image is a trademark image for ‘The Prodigy’ which adds extra detail to the advert, and attracts the eye because of the sheer size of the image. The image is also used so that people know which band is releasing their new album, as the image is a trademark image for ‘The Prodigy’; so when people see the image they know which band the advert is for.
The target audience for this album would be people in an age group ranging from sixteen year olds to people in their early forty’s. The age group is such a side range because ‘The Prodigy’ have been around for so many years and they have a huge amount of fans due to the band producing great tracks. The target audience would also include people who listen to Drum and Bass, and both male or female. The target audience is targeted through the creativity of the album advert as the advert is rather different top other drum and bass bands, so this is why it attracts more and more attention.
Single Advert Annotations -
The Verve
Love is noise

The ‘Love is Noise’ single advert stands out really well because of the colour scheme used. The colour scheme which is used consists of neutral colours such as; whites, light browns, dark browns, oak browns, gold’s, and bache’s. The colours used are very earthy which gives the ‘love is Noise’ advert a very neutral feeling and effect. This effect which the creators of the advert create is very different to other single adverts because other adverts usually consist of bright colours. But this advert consists of very subtle and earthy colours with an image of clouds. The name of the single is ‘Love is Noise’ which could represent why the images of clouds are used; clouds represent love, and the earthy colours could represent love as love is natural just like the colours are. This ‘Love is Noise’ advert also has all of the relevant information near the bottom of the page which adds extra detail to the advert and blends in really well with the earthy colours and the image used. The information near the bottom of the advert includes; download of the single is out now, CD and vinyl of single is out on Monday, which exclusive song is included on vinyl, the website of the band, and the logo of the band. As the advert consists of neutral colours such as; whites, light browns, dark browns, oak browns, gold’s, and bache’s; the text font for the information near the bottom of the advert is a white coloured smart subtle font. This coloured font blends in really well with the image used and also the colour scheme used. This is part of the reason why the advert is so easy on the eye and why the advert is so effective.
The target audience for this album would be people in an age group ranging from sixteen year olds to people in their late thirty’s. The age group is such a wide range because ‘The Verve’ have been around for many years dating back from 1990’s. As ‘The Verve’ have been around for so many years, they have collected a lot of fans which is why the band themselves are so successful. The target audience would also include people who listen to bands such as ‘The Verve’, ‘Coldplay’, and ‘Oasis’. The band have been of and on since the start of their career but they started their career in 1990 – 1995, then 1997 – 1999, and then2007 – 2009. The target audience is targeted through the creativity of the ‘Love is Noise’ advert as the advert is rather different to other band single adverts. This is mostly because of the subtle image and the earthy colour scheme which has been chosen to make up the advert.
Single Advert Annotations -
Lights out

The ‘Lights Out’ single advert stands out really well because of the colour scheme used. The colour scheme which is used consists of greens, browns, whites, and bache’s. The colours used are very subtle colours which blend in really together, and the colours are why the advert stands out as well as it does. The image used on this advert consists of two images of the artist; Santogold. This effect gives the advert a real creative touch because the leaves used at the top and bottom of the advert also cover the eyes of the artist. This effect links in the images really well together and this is why the colours and the images blend in extremely well together. This ‘Lights Out’ advert also has all of the relevant information located near the bottom of the advert which is the average place for all of the information. The information used on the advert is created with a very stylish font which adds that extra detail to the advert and makes the advert stand out even more. The relevant information on the advert includes: which artist the new single is from, when the single is able to be downloaded, when the CD is in stores, a Myspace address for the artist, and the logo of the artist. The font style used to create the title of the artist and the tilt e of the song is a very wild font, but blends in really well with the actual advert as the advert is also very wild. This extra detail makes the advert stand out even more than it already does. This is part of the reason why the advert is so creative and effective.
The target audience for this Single would be people in an age group ranging from fifteen year olds to people in their mid twenty’s. The reason behind this age group stretching ten years, is that Santogold started her solo career in 2003. She then released her debut album Santogold in 2008 and has ever since been a singer and song writer to watch out for. As Santogold has been around since 2003, she has collected an awful amount of fans which is why she is such a successful music artist. The target audience would also include people who listen to artists and bands such as Santogold and ‘The Artic Monkeys’. The target audience is targeted through the creativity of the ‘Lights Out’ advert as the advert is rather unusual compared to other artists adverts and indie bands adverts but at the same time very effective. This is mostly because of the design because the green coloured leaves used at the top and bottom of the advert, are also used to cover the eyes of the artist. This effect gives the advert extra detail which makes the advert look really effective and stylish.
Single advert annotations -
Late of the pier

The ‘Heartbeat’ single advert stands out really well because of the gentle colour scheme used. The colour scheme which is used consists of gentle and vibrant colours such as; reds, oranges, yellows, pinks, blues, turquoises, greens, blacks, and browns. The colours which are used are very vibrant, gentle but at the same time very subtle colours which gives the advert a very neutral feeling and effect. This effect which is created by the colour scheme is very different to other single adverts; this is because other single adverts usually consist of bright colours which are meant to make the advert stand out really well. But in this case, the ‘Heartbeat’ advert doesn’t need extremely bright colours in order for it to stand out; the advert consists of subtle, gentle and vibrant colours which is why the advert is so effective and stands out really well. This advert also consists of an image of a collage of various subtle, gentle and vibrant colours. The collage also contains a logo within the middle of the collage which is the official logo for the band; Late of the pier. The title of the single is ‘Heartbeat’ which could represent why the image has a collage of vibrant but subtle colours; this is because the colours could link in with the heartbeat. This ‘Heartbeat’ single advert also contains all of the relevant information near the bottom half of the advert which adds extra detail and blends in really well with the collage of colours, and the background colour used. The information near the bottom of the advert includes; download of the single is available now, which remixes are available, which album the single is taken from and which date the album is released, a review of the single from NME, website address, MySpace address, and the logo of the band. As the advert consists of neutral, subtle and vibrant colours such as; reds, oranges, yellows, pinks, blues, turquoises, greens, blacks, and browns; the text font for the title of the band, single and the relevant information at the bottom of the advert is a white coloured smart subtle font. This colour stands out really well above the colour scheme and the image used. This is one of the main reasons why the advert is so easy on the eye and why the advert is so effective.
The target audience for this single would be people in an age group ranging from fifteen years olds to twenty five year olds. The age group is such a wide range because ‘Late of the pier’ have been in the limelight since 2004 which means that they have been around for five years. As ‘Late of the pier’ have been around for five years, they have collected a lot of fans which is why the band themselves are so successful. The target audience would also include people who listen to bands such as ‘Late of the pier’ and ‘The Script’. The target audience is targeted through the creativity of the ‘Late of the pier’ advert as the advert is rather different to other band single adverts. This is mostly because of the subtle but vibrant collage of colours and the vibrant but gentle colour scheme which has been chosen to make up the advert.
Album advert annotations -
Noah and the Whale
Peaceful the world lays me down
The ‘Peaceful the world lays me down’ album advert stands out really well because of the bold title, the image which takes up most of the advert, and the colour scheme used. The colour scheme which is used consists highly of dark colours such as greys and blacks, and also contains bright colours such as yellows, oranges, whites, greens, and pinks. The colours used create a really good contrast in colours which is why the advert looks really effective. If the advert contained just bright colours or even just dark colours, then the advert would look incredibly dull and boring; but as this advert contains both bright and dark colours then the advert cerates a really good contrast of colours. The effect which is created by the colour scheme of both bright and dark colours is very different to other album adverts; this is because other album adverts usually consist highly of bright colours which are meant to make the advert stand out really well. This album advert stands out really well because the colour scheme consists both of bright and ark colours, which means that the advert doesn’t need to consist highly of bright colours in order for the advert to stand out really well. This advert also contains a massive image of the band members which takes over half of the advert. The image is of the band members within ‘Noah an the Whale’, and it shows all of the band members posing to the camera with an umbrella. The image itself is quite a dark image but one of the band members has a bright yellow tie, another has a bright yellow scarf and another is holding a bright yellow umbrella. This contrast of colours within the advert makes the advert itself stand out really well and makes it look really effective. The title of the band is shown as a really smart and cool looking orange font which makes the advert look really effective. The font of the title is really easy on the eye but at the same time makes the advert stand out really well. This ‘Peaceful the world lays me down’ album advert also contains all of the relevant information on the left hand side of the advert which adds extra detail to the advert. The information on the left hand side of the advert includes; which date the album will be released, which top songs are included on the album, a review of the album from NME and Q magazine, which music store the band will be performing live at, what date they will be performing live, and a Zavvi logo.
The target audience for this ‘Noah and the whale’ album would be people in an age group ranging from fifteen year olds to twenty three year olds. The age group is such a wide age range because ‘Noah and the Whale’ have been in the music spotlight since 2006 which means that they have been around for about three years. As ‘Noah and the whale’ have been around for three years, they have collected a lot of fans which is why the band themselves are so successful. The target audience would also include people who listen to bands such as ‘Noah and the whale’, and ‘The Script’. The target audience is targeted through the creativity of the ‘Noah and the whale’ advert as the advert rather different to other band album adverts. This is mostly because of the massive image of the band which takes up most of the advert.
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