Chemical Brothers
Singles 93 – 03
The front cover of this Chemical Brothers – Singles 93 – 03 DVD album catches my eye very well with the use of the electric pink and blue coloured ‘The Chemical Brothers’ logo, slap bang in the middle of the front cover. The main reason to ‘The Chemical Brothers’ logo standing out as well as it does is down to the black coloured background which makes the electric pink and blue colours stand out. Even though the cover is a very plain design unlike dance bands albums usually are, the bright colours used on top of the black background more than make up for it. This is due to it being really effective as in standing out really well and catching the eye of its target audience. The use of the text; ‘Singles 93 – 03’ underneath ‘The Chemical Brothers’ logo adds a little bit of more detail which just makes the cover look even more effective and professional than it already does. The white coloured DVD logo located at the bottom of the front cover establishes what genre of technology the album is on e.g. DVD, CD etc. The DVD logo doesn’t spoil the front cover design by over crowding it which is why I like this DVD album cover as it is quite plain but at the same time very effective and complex design.
The back cover of the Chemical Brothers – Singles 93 – 03 DVD album carries on the same electric pink and blue coloured design theme as the front cover. ‘The Chemical Brothers’ logo on the front cover of the DVD album is coloured in electric pink and blue which is carried in onto the back cover e.g. the fancy artwork design on the back cover is coloured in electric pink and blue the same as the logo on the front cover. This design shows consistency throughout the front and back cover as the text font used to write down the track listing and any necessary information about the cover, is the same as the text on the front cover and the same as the text on the middle separation bit of the album cover.
This could suggest that the creators of the album cover work have thought a lot about the design work to make the cover look consistent throughout, the same as Chemical Brothers produce consistent great dance music.
DVD Cover Annotations

The front cover of the Eminem – E DVD album straight catches my eye the most with a giant E (but backwards) right in the centre of the front cover. Eminem usually isn’t associated with the giant E so people wouldn’t be familiar with it when they first see it, but Eminem is associated with parental advisory which indicates to the albums audience who the artist is of album. The giant white E design is situated on top of a black background which obviously makes the E stand out; white above black. But just having a white logo above a black background would be very boring and dull; so the creators of the album cover have put a lime green section in behind the E logo which fades out around the sides of the logo. This design just adds a little bit extra to the cover, making it stand out more and making it look more effective. The parental advisory logo on the bottom right hand side of the front cover establishes which music company the album is from and adds more detail to the front cover as it is quite bare; with there just being a logo in the middle of the cover.
The middle separation section of the DVD album cover carries on the same black coloured background theme from the front cover, and the same white E logo with a green coloured design behind the logo also from the front cover. There is no mention on the front cover of the album being an Eminem album even though there is big clues such as the giant E and the parental advisory logo. On the middle section there is ‘EMINEM’ slap bang in the middle next to the E logo design which establishes the artist of the DVD album.
The back cover of the Eminem DVD album is very different to other DVD albums such as Chemical brothers, Michael Jackson, and Faithless as they all have designs which link in with the front cover of the album. But Eminem on the other hand has twenty images of himself which don’t really link in with the front cover of the album. This design of having twenty images of Eminem makes the back cover stand out really well but at the same time doesn’t really look right and doesn’t go with the front cover. In between the middle images there is a slight shade of green coming behind the images but it doesn’t look very clear, so you can’t make out that the front cover is consistent to the back cover.
The track listing for the Eminem DVD album is in small font near the bottom of the back cover, which doesn’t look right as the images dominate the back cover even though the track listing should.
DVD Cover Annotations –
Forever Faithless
The Greatest Hits

The front cover of the Forever Faithless – Greatest Hits DVD album straight away catches my eye with the use of the slick but very stylish design. The use of the black background on the front page makes the image of Maxi Jazz; the black ethnic lead singer from the band: stand out really well with quite bright lighting used to light up his chest and dark lighting to give a bit of a shadow to his face which makes him blend in really well with the background but also makes him stand out at the same time. The lightning effect gives of the impression that Maxi Jazz and the band are emerging into the lime light with the use of the mysterious shadow on his face.
The use of the yellow font above the image makes the image stand out even more because of the colour contrast of bright yellow font above black background and the image. The actual layout of the front cover design is very simple but at the same time very effective.
This could relate back to the actual band Faithless, as they are a world famous band which means that they are very effective in the spotlight but at the same time fame doesn’t get to their head so they are never in the limelight apart from when they release new songs or go on tour which could mean that they are very simple but at the same time very effective when they need to be.
The back cover of the DVD album has an image of Maxi Jazz hugging Sister Bliss; a fellow member of the band Faithless. Maxi Jazz has the word Bliss tattooed on his back which alerts the target audience that the woman in the image is called Bliss. The image used on the back cover of the album is very simple which relates back to the front cover as that is also very simple but very effective. The background colour and the image used gives off a very calm atmosphere and impression.
The layout of the song text is located on the right hand side of the back cover, which fills in the gap next to Maxi Jazz’s face. The text is in perfect line with Maxi’s head which gives of a very effective design.
The design for both the front and back cover of the Forever Faithless – the Greatest Hits album, doesn’t really tie in with the usual artwork for a dance music band. The stereotypical design for a dance music related band would usually be bright colours, arty design and more a less stands out really well. But this design, even though it stands out really well, it has a very simple but at the same time a very effective design which represents Faithless as they aren’t any usual dance music band, they are a ‘one of’ dance music band.
The layout of the barcode, relevant information concerning the album and any necessary logo’s, is a very simple design which again tie’s in with the whole design for the album. The plain black background colour tie’s in with the plain black background cover of the front cover which makes the whole design of the album look really effective.
DVD Cover Annotations
Michael Jackson
Video Greatest Hits

The front cover of the Michael Jackson – Video Greatest Hits DVD album straight away catches my eye because of the simple looking but at the same time very complex design. The white coloured background gives of the impression of the cover looking very simple but in fact the design is very complex, with the use of the logo behind the title of the album, the red and orange coloured image of Michael Jackson, the DVD logo tucked in at the bottom of the cover, and the Michael Jackson signature in scripted on the left hand side of the cover. All of these details may look very simple above the white coloured background but they are very complex details which make the front cover design look really effective. The use of the layout of the red and orange coloured image of Michael Jackson gives of the impression of looks good on the eye, due to the image being located right on the bottom of the cover. This minor detail makes it look like Michael Jackson is dancing on the cover which again makes the cover look really effective.
The middle parting section of the album cover tie’s in really well with the front cover design. This is because it involves some of the same features which give extra detail to the album cover. The middle parting section has the same logo as the front cover, the same styled text as the front cover, the same DVD logo at the bottom of the cover, and the signature of Michael Jackson crosses onto the middle parting section which makes the cover look even more effective than it already does by adding a little extra detail.
The back cover of the Michael Jackson DVD album stands out really well the same as the front cover. This is because of the white coloured background which makes the cover look quite plain but it has a really complex and effective design including: two faded images of Michael Jackson dancing, an image of a pair of eyes at the top of the cover, four paragraphs of text which all have different boldness and fonts to make the cover stand out even more and make it unique, and the barcode is in a different place to where it usually is on a DVD album which gives the cover an extra piece of detail.
DVD Cover Annotations
The Prodigy
Their Law
The Singles 1990 – 2005

The Prodigy – Their Law DVD album front cover straight away catches my eye due to the gyanourmous ‘Prodigy’ album logo in the middle of the front cover. The actual logo on the cover looks like a police badge which could state that it’s the Prodigy’s law to listen to their music i.e. their law (the name of the album). In the middle of the badge logo is an image of a spider or a scorpion which is on all of ‘The Prodigy’s’ merchandise including CD’s, and DVD’s, due to the image being renowned to the Prodigy. The dark grey and black background on the front cover allows the badge logo in the centre of the cover to stand out even more even though all the colours on the front cover are dark colours e.g. purple, grey, black, and a shade of white (which isn’t dark). There is also a certificate 18 logo on the bottom right hand side of the cover which stands out really well due to the logo being bright red, and the rest of the colours on the front cover being dark colours. ‘The Prodigy’ are known as a gothic drum and bass band which is why the majority of the colours on the front cover being dark colours. As Prodigy are a gothic themed band their target audience are people who are interested in gothic clothes, music and drum and bass music. ‘The Prodigy’s target audience are targeted through the use of a police badge being on the front cover saying ‘Their Law’, the use of dark colours linking in with the gothic theme, and a certificate 18 logo on the bottom right hand side of the cover which makes ‘The Prodigy’ look like ‘nut case’ drum and bass band (which they are).
The design of the back cover of the DVD album looks like all of the information including track listing is written on and stuck on by tabs and celotape. The information isn’t in straight lines either which could suggest that ‘The Prodigy’s’ set their own law on how to do things e.g. the album name – Their Law. Again the dark coloured background is used on the back cover the same as the front cover, but the track listing and relevant information is brightly coloured to suggest that ‘The Prodigy’ have a brighter side than just the gothic side.
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